2025 Spring Recreational Soccer will open January 15th..
Please see FAQ section below for more information on the spring season including fees and dates.
To begin registration once it is open, click on the green Player Registration below.
We have camps available. Please go to www.columbiapremier.com/camps for more information and registration.
We are very excited to announce PlayMetrics, our new all-in-one registration and communications software platform! PlayMetrics reduces the applications you use to interact and communicate with our club and your teams. Using the PlayMetrics app on your mobile phone, you can now register and communicate with us, taking our club communication and organization to the next level.
As you begin using PlayMetrics, you may have questions about how to navigate your account. The Help articles below offer instructions as you start using the system.
- Adding the PlayMetrics app to your mobile device
- Registering with PlayMetrics
- How do I register for a program?
PlayMetrics allows you to register and communicate with your teams all in one place whether at home or on the go. It helps us communicate with all of our families more clearly and effectively, including updates to practice schedules and field closures as they happen. The PlayMetrics platform ensures that you are always in sync with your team and never out of the loop.
Coach Registration
There are two registrations to complete to be coach, assistant coach, trainer, or manager on a recreational team.
- Google Form
- Background Check and Certifications
Please complete the Google Form below. We will not know you want to be a coach/assistant/trainer/manager if you do not complete this form. This form is not a guarantee of a team, but let’s us know you are wanting to volunteer.
Coach Sign Up Sheet – https://forms.gle/wUN7dLBHuoNMg9fz7
All coaches, assistant coaches, managers, and anyone working with players must be sure the following is complete:
- SafeSport Training
- Intro to Safety – Covers Concussion Certification and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Certification
- Risk Status (Background check) and Season Registration – Be sure you choose Spring 2025 (NOT REC Spring) and under Club, choose Columbia Premier (NOT Camas Washougal).
All certifications must be done through the US Soccer Learning Center. The association will not accept other certifications uploaded. Certifications must be current and not expire during the season. They may say you are current, but if they expire before the end of the season, you need to complete them. You cannot renew more than 60 days in advanced of the expiration.
Before you complete your background check, you need to complete SafeSport or SafeSport recertification and Intro to Safety. US Youth Soccer has moved this to the US Soccer Learning Center. If you have registered for a coaching license/certification, you have an account.
- Complete the training certifications (required annually)
- SafeSport – If you have completed SafeSport in the past locate your SafeSport ID number. Your SafeSport ID number can be located on a past SafeSport certificate.
- Intro to Safety – Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest training are combined in the US Soccer Learning Center as Intro to Safety
- Complete your background check
- Background checks require your Social Security Number (SSN)
- Your SSN has to match your name. Do not put in false information, it will deny you and then you have to just do it again. I, nor anyone in the club, can see this information. If you DO NOT have a SSN please contact me so I can work with the state.
1. For the SafeSport and Intro to Safety, click HERE to go to the U.S. Soccer Learning Center. Please be sure you enter your name, email and DOB the same as your Sports Connect (Affinity) account. If these do not match, you will not clear.
- Click on Supplemental Courses
- SafeSport and Intro to Safety are listed at the top
2. Click HERE to start the background checking process. Be sure you choose Spring 2025 (NOT REC Spring) and under Club, choose Columbia Premier (NOT Camas Washougal).
Your name, DOB, and email address must match both the US Soccer Learning Center and Sports Connect (where you will complete your RMA/background check). Your certificates will not sync if they do not match and you will not be able to complete the background check.
Program Information
The Columbia Premier provide two Recreational programs, Vancouver United (VUSA) and Camas-Washougal (CWSA), and is a non-profit organization with a long history of providing soccer opportunities to our community. We focus on the player and family and strive to ensure all players have opportunity for fun, development, competitive play, and life experiences. We offer soccer for all players age 4-19 and for players of all skill level and ability.